Leading the way in research and development

Atlantic Canada’s salmon farmers work with the best researchers from the federal and provincial governments, universities and the private sector on a wide variety of projects aimed at strengthening and improving their industry.

The ACFFA plays a lead role on behalf of  the industry in advocating for scientific research and technological development that is industry-driven and ensures the ongoing sustainability of an innovative aquaculture industry.

Research/activities in which the ACFFA has been, or is, an active participant on behalf of the salmon industry include:

  • Continued hydrological study to support improved modeling and future Aquaculture Bay Management Area (ABMA) review through an Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) project.

  • Continued support and use of the Fish iTrends decision support system throughout Atlantic Canada.

  • Investigation/evaluation of new technologies on Atlantic salmon farms for sea lice management.

  • Collaborator on project for the development of a robust methodology for sulphide probe calibration and sediment sampling to improve environmental monitoring practices.

  • Lead in the development of a field study on the potential impact of treatment products on non-target species through a two-phase project.

  • Supporting members in a range of research activities.

The ACFFA is proactive in maintaining relationships with R&D agencies and collaborators at the regional, national and international level by participating in research workshops and in the development of collaborative research programs.

Other research projects led by our salmon farming companies include:

  • Cleaner fish research

  • Residue testing for various fish health medicines

  • Hydrogen peroxide bath effects on salmon skin epithelium

  • Broodstock development

  • Quantifying salmon feed waste

  • Feed trials to test alternate feed ingredients

  • Sediment profile imagery


ACFFA reports